Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog 2: Supernatural

Supernatural usually means above and beyond abnormal. Supernatural can sometimes can come from ghostly characteristics. Yes there is supernatural in existing life today. I do believe there are angles; there is a heaven, and hell. Unusually things usually happen from time to time and you would only see it a big deal if you believed in supernatural. Now on the other hand the psychic powers, ghosts, goblins of “supernatural” do not exist because they are beyond nature. If people are cured by God, then there sure is supernatural. I can relate to this because a family friend we knew for a very long period of time had late stage cancer. Doctors could not do anything about it, nobody really could. But everyone that loved him and believed in him prayed for him over and over, and he recovers and his cancer cuts back. But overall the souls, religion in supernatural do exist. But the exorcist, ghosts, devils, in supernatural I believe do not exist. Something like the exorcist is just not possible, especially if you’re Christian because that’s just not in our beliefs and is over the top.
The way I think supernatural exists is just everything around us, such as having the Earth as the center of the universe, and one god above us. But the ghosts, vampires, and witches are a different story that I will just not believe because they are not realistic, but I had a friend who said she saw an old creepy man standing in her dining room and the next second she looked back he was gone. I find that really creepy , and unusual I think that is just all imagination or just spirits. Something like the exorcist is not possible, you cannot be possessed by the demon and have them control your entire soul and body. On the other hand, I do think spirits exist but in a good way, they're just a reminder that your loved ones are still there.

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