Monday, October 18, 2010

First Horror Film

Me being me was always a fan of the scary movies, but then I start to chicken out half way through the movie. But growing up I've always had to watch scary films with my two brothers, and I didn't want to deny to them that I wasn't interested or anything so I would just go along. My favorite horror film growing up would have to be Scream. I first watched this movie when I was four years old. Scream is about a young girl Sidney Prescott's mother was killed and after a year of her death, two students were also found missing. When the whole town realizes a serial killer is going around and killing victims, Sidney beings to get a feeling that her mother's death and the two students are related. The killer begins to pick up everyone one by one, which makes no one safe. The psychopath begins to stalk victims, teases them with trivia questions, and then rips them to blood. Everyone at Woodsboro High School is terrified, because it can be anyone. This horror film is very bloody and gory, but what held my interest is trying to find the actual serial killer. Since all it takes is someone to wear the gown and the mask. I've watched a lot of scary movies that include a killer, and usually it's very noticeable who the killer is, but not so in Scream. I remember while I would watch the movie, everyone at one point felt like he/she was the serial killer. You couldn't clearly know who the killer was, it would be someone who you identified but then you would be tricked into another suspicious character. Scream didn't just freeze me up in a bundle, but you start freaking out from every sound you hear in your house, whether the lights are on, or even if you’re safe outside in the day or light. Why I enjoyed this movie is because there is no escape from the movie until you get really scared and you find out who the real killer is. Scream was the first movie very scary movie that I watched, and it was very popular at that time, which made me want to watch it even more! After Scream came out, a couple more series also came out: Scream 2 and Scream 3. They even began making Halloween costumes from Scream’s mask and costume.
This movie was one of my favorites because the liveliness of the film makes it a good selection for anyone that is interested in watching a movie. It grabs your attention at the random moments and didn’t keep me sleepy or bored throughout the entire movie! I wouldn’t say I’m a HUGE fan of scary movies, but I do like to watch the latest scary movies. I personally hate watching “fake” scary movies with unrealistic characters, because I know that those wouldn’t happen in my life. When I do watch scary movies, I like to watch ones that you know can actually happen. For example Scream anyone now a day can dress in that familiar costume and be a serial killer, and kill innocents. But overall, I do enjoy watching scary movies especially with a group of friends!

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